Behind the Brand-My Mommy Wisdom

Behind the Brand

Hey yall, welcome to my first blog post!

I’m Chelsea but my close friends and family call me Chels. I am married with two little rascals of my own, ages 5 and 2.

Oh and you guessed it right... the 2yr old runs our house (lol). 

Life is so funny sometimes, it always manages to come full circle.

I actually started a blog in 2014 while I was pregnant with my first child, my son Arian. My intention was to document my pregnancy journey and share different tips I'd research or resources I found while preggo.

Specifically, I wanted to connect with mommies of color and show them how we can start educating our kids while they are in the womb. I discussed my prenatal journey and various activities and vitamins and/or exercise I would incorporate as well as the medical side of things. I provided suggestions on maternity clothing, products and infant items. I presented weekly questions and asked for mothers’ feedback. 

Once I saw how many mothers were interested in this type of platform, I knew I couldn’t stop at just my experiences, I had to explore more within motherhood to help expose mothers of color to views they wouldn’t normally be interested in like: infant swimming, DHA, autism assistance etc. All of which are things that are now so often discussed in our communities.

But at that time there was such a lack within our community when it came to breastfeeding support, postpartum depression and the overall effects of motherhood. There were not and still not many outlets that help new mothers navigate these challenging yet beautiful times. I wanted to create a space where support was accepted but also where products could be trusted.


Thusly, how the name for my company was derived




Most people ask me how did I get started making my products. The truth is, I don’t have a sunshine feel good story to go with it. When my daughter was an infant, she was very sickly, I didn’t know of many medicines for infants outside of Tylenol and Zarbees so we often visited the ER and pediatrician regularly. Her immune system was really weak so any exposure to germs made her very ill. One day playing in her room I remember her taking steps and she collapsed to the floor. I thought she’d just fallen but she never got up. I went to reach for her and her eyes were starting to roll back and she was feverishly hot. That drive to the ER was torture I was so scared for my baby.

I remember calling my mom from the waiting room as doctor’s ran tests on my baby saying, “I wish I could give my baby something to make her symptoms go away so that we would never have to come to another hospital again.” 

It was in that moment I had my revelation.


I was a SAHM at the time and decided to use my wisdom and knowledge to research different natural remedies that would work for infants. I began with the Cold Remedy Chest Rub’ it was curated to help boost my daughters’ immune system. Then I made a cream for her eczema. It was the results my daughter had to these products that made my mommy-friends interested. I openly shared my daughter’s health transformation and as her immune system and skin started to improve other moms wanted me to make products for their little ones. 

Having grown up in a medical household with my father being an OBGYN for 30+ years and my mother as a retired Pediatric nurse, I had a wealth of medical knowledge at my fingertips. 

I decided to utilize this in conjunction with my natural “black hippie mom” ways and created a product line that bridged the gap between old school traditions and new school ways. 

Since the inception of My Mommy Wisdom, February 21, 2017 ---


we have sold 3,483 products and counting...


I have been beyond blessed and my success is owed to God, hard work and all the mommies that continue to support and share our products.


My gratitude to you is forever indebted :)

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